Friday, 16 October 2015

Remarketing Now Available to Bing Ads Advertisers

Whenever I talk at conferences, people always ask me whether they should launch a remarketing campaign. This question blows my mind – it’s like asking whether they should be doing paid search or advertising on social!

Bing Ads remarketing diagram

Guys, remarketing is absolutely essential in today’s online advertising landscape. Now, Bing Ads is offering remarketing to Bing Ads advertisers as of yesterday (read the official blog post here), another great step forward for Bing and great news for advertisers – and perfect timing for campaigns being launched for the holidays.

Remarketing Is Absolutely CRUCIAL to Success

I’ve said it again and again – if you’re not using remarketing, you’re literally throwing money away on your campaigns. You spend all this time and money and effort creating these campaigns for just one chance to convert a prospect? Doesn’t it sound crazy when you put it this way? Plus, data from Forrester Research suggests that up to 96% of users don’t convert on their first visit. Are you going to keep spending all this time and money on campaigns to maybe convert 4% of your traffic?

There are some detractors and naysayers out there who say that remarketing is creepy and that people don’t like it. However, as I explained in a blog post from earlier this month, our data shows that “ad fatigue” is exaggerated way more than the reality, and that ad fatigue of remarketing ads is approximately half that of typical display ads.

Bing Ads remarketing ad fatigue

Our research shows that consumers don’t mind seeing remarketing ads as long as they pertain to their interests. We even found that conversion rates increase the more times a user sees an ad!

Bing Ads remarketing conversion rates 

With this kind of data, it’s a mystery to me why we’re even talking about remarketing as something marketers might want to do. It’s something everybody needs to do.

Bing Ads Remarketing Harnesses the Power of Data

The announcement that Bing Ads’ remarketing feature has launched isn’t really big news – we’ve known this has been in the works for some time, and it was a matter of course that Bing would introduce functionality that many marketers now see as crucial to the success of their campaigns. What’s really exciting about Bing Ads remarketing is how it will leverage the wealth of data that Bing Ads offers to advertisers.

When we spoke with Bing Ads’ John Gagnon last year, he explained that developing greater insights in Bing Ads’ Intelligence reporting was a top priority for the Bing Ads team. Combining this data with remarketing functionality could create huge opportunities for identity-based remarketing for Bing Ads advertisers, especially as Bing continues to introduce new features into their platform. Overall, I can’t wait to see how remarketing will help Bing Ads advertisers improve their campaigns’ performance and increase their ROI.

I’d like to personally congratulate and thank Matt Lydon, Pete Becker, Stacey Helman, John Gagnon, and all our other friends at Bing who work closely with us every day, and who helped make the launch of WordStream’s Bing Ads Performance Grader such a success – we can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!

from Internet Marketing Blog by WordStream

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