Monday, 30 November 2015

WordStream's Best of the Month: November

November is almost at an end, which means only one thing – the new Star Wars movie will be released in just over two weeks. Forget the holidays, forget presents, forget everything. It’s all about Star Wars now. Unless you hate Star Wars, in which case I can’t help you.

Luke Skywalker Apple Maps burn 

The Luke Skywalker School of Sick Burns

Like Luke Skywalker preparing to destroy the Death Star, you’re gearing up for the holiday season and all the opportunities it brings, so don’t go it alone. Get ready to target your customers like the small thermal exhaust port just beneath the main port (the one that’s the same size as a Tatooine womp rat) and check out the top 10 most popular posts from the WordStream blog from November. May the Force be with you!

1. The Ridiculously Awesome Guide to Facebook Remarketing

Margot’s guide to Facebook remarketing was indeed ridiculously awesome, which is why this post was our most popular by a fair country distance. If you’re advertising on Facebook, you need to read this guide – it’s that simple.

2. The Emotional Science Behind PPC Ads

Coming in at second place, Helen’s excellent post on the emotional science behind PPC ads is also essential reading. Based on Helen’s fascinating presentation from PubCon 2015, this post contains tons of insight into how you can leverage (read: manipulate) your prospects’ emotions with your PPC ads.

3. How to Use AdWords’ Customer Match: The Ultimate Guide

As we discovered recently, AdWords’ new Customer Match targeting feature is amazingly powerful, but many readers wanted to know how to set up and use it effectively, so Erin got to work. This post has everything you need to know about Customer Match, so what are you waiting for? Set it up and see the results for yourself.

4. 47 Amazing Social Media Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

My fun round-up of social media facts that will, as promised, blow your mind was our fourth-most popular post from November. Although many of these stats are truly remarkable, what’s really incredible is some of these stats and metrics will be even more impressive (or intimidating) by next quarter, such is the speed with which social media moves.

5. RankBrain: A Primer on Google’s Artificial Intelligence Technology

You may have heard that Google is using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in its search results, but what does this mean for the future of search (and the survival of the human race)? Find out everything you need to know about RankBrain in this crash-course primer courtesy of yours truly.

6. NEW Holiday AdWords Ads: Text Message Remarketing & Black Friday Structured Snippets

Mark’s post about new AdWords features that have been introduced just in time for the holidays came in at number six in November. Check it out to learn how you can take advantage of these new features and get to work implementing them in your holiday campaigns!

7. 3 Ways a Small Business Can Compete with the Big Guys in PPC [DATA]

It’s not always easy being the little guy. However, as a certain kid with a slingshot once proved, sometimes being the underdog has its advantages. In this post by WordStream PPC Coordinator Allen Finn, you’ll learn three invaluable strategies (with supporting data) that will show you how to go toe-to-toe with the big guys, even if you don’t have the biggest ad budget.

8. 4 Tips for Creating Amazing Facebook Landing Pages

Facebook advertising is officially a Big Deal, but far too many advertisers are neglecting their Facebook landing pages. In this post, I offer you four tips for creating ass-kicking landing pages to accompany your Facebook ads. Don’t lose precious social conversions by using poor landing pages!

9. 10 Life-Changing Marketing Stats We’ve Heard This Year

It’s been a crazy year on the digital marketing conference circuit, and we’ve heard some breathtaking stats that have really shown us how rapidly this industry moves. In this post, Erin rounds up 10 of the most incredible stats we’ve heard from the various conferences we attended in 2015.

10. 10 Crafty Strategies for Etsy Marketing & Other Craftmakers

For our final post in this month’s round-up, I outline 10 strategies that small businesses marketing their handmade goods on Etsy can use to boost sales and increase their visibility. If you run a maker business, you need to check out these 10 actionable marketing strategies.

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from Internet Marketing Blog by WordStream

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